About the eatitors
We love diners. Even our first date back in 2014 was at a diner. This started with a spreadsheet: we were eating at diners so often, and there is such a multitude of options in this region, that it only made sense to keep track of where we’d been and what we thought. We were ten deep when we decided that, clearly, the world is craving a blog that rates and reviews local diners. Buddy enjoys collecting and organizing data and Dan enjoys judging, so it’s an ideal match.
We aim for weekly updates when possible. Often we’re joined by family or friends, but they are not allowed to influence our ratings—this isn’t Burger Deluxe with Bud and Dan and a Bunch of Other People Too.
We usually choose our next target based on geographic convenience, but we’re also glad to take recommendations! Contact us or leave a comment on the latest post.
Danielle is a financial professional at a Fortune 500 company. She loves dogs, the X-Men, and true crime podcasts.
Favorite diner food: hamburger with waffle fries and honey mustard
Buddy is a lawyer who loves cats, love-hates Rutgers football, and runs 5ks with his dad.
Favorite diner food: buffalo chicken wrap and a pickle